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去什么什么地方旅游英文,去某个地方游玩 用英语怎么说

来源:整理 时间:2023-04-15 20:12:34 编辑:旅游好地方 手机版


1,去某个地方游玩 用英语怎么说

去某个地方游玩Go to a place to play 游玩 [词典] play; amuse oneself; go sightseeing; stroll about; [例句]周六午后是休闲和外出游玩的时间。Saturday afternoon is for recreation and outings
go somewhere to play.. travel to somewhere.............

去某个地方游玩 用英语怎么说

2,去某地的旅行 用英语

-- a trip to somewhere (短暂旅行)-- a travel to somewhere(长途旅行)-- a journey to somewhere(时间较长的旅行)-- a tour to somewhere (各处旅行)

去某地的旅行 用英语


去某地旅行的英文短语:Travel to a place; travel v. 长途行走;旅行;游历;(以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进,转送,传播;经长途运输仍不变质;经得住长途运输; n. 旅行;旅游;游历;(出国)旅游 扩展资料   他在北方某地工作。   He is working at some place in the north.   Will time travel ever become a reality?   时光旅行真的会成为现实吗?   Some travel companies will probably go out of business this summer.   今年夏天一些旅游公司很可能歇业。   She travels around the world as if money is no object.   她漫游世界,好像钱不是问题。   I travel 40 miles to work every day.   我每天奔波40英里去上班。


